NU 3rd Year Honours Degree Result 2013-2014

NU 3rd Year Honours Degree Result 2013-2014
NU 3rd Year Honours Degree Result 2013-2014 published in a short time. Hurry up get your result of NU 3rd Year Honours Degree Result 2013-2014 collect my website You can visit my honorable website this is a official site in the Bangladesh National University.
NU 3rd Year Honours Degree Result 2013-2014
National University Honours 2nd Year Result 2010! National University honours 2nd year result 2010 has been published today. National University honours 2nd year result of 2010 published on and our website.
National University Honours 2nd Year Exam 2010 had started on 14 March 2012 and ended on 2nd May 2012. Total 27 subject’s result published.
Nationa University Gazipur
You can download National University honours 2nd year result 2010 from here or you can get your Honours 2nd Year Exam 2010 result by mobile SMS.
Check your result from below:
How to get national university result please see detail:
If you Degree students get this process nu honours result
At first you are click please honours
Than if you honours 2nd year student please click honours 2nd year
Than Enter your roll no
and select your year
submit click and get resultor, get the National University Honours 2nd Year Result via SMS or mobile call:
Write NU < space > DEG < space > Your Degree Roll No < space > Al last send 16222
Write NU < space > H1 < space > Your Honours Roll No < space > Al last send 16222
Type on mobile Message option nu<Space>h2<Space>roll and send 4636 or 16222.
or, Get the result from the National University website directly: (The website is temporarily down due to heavy traffic load)
N.B: If you are national university of Bangladesh students you can get your result official website please click . The national university result authority board always publish their all result in website. You can get result all year (2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015….) N U Degree Honors Master Result 1st 2nd 3rd 4th year You can get result here honors result year -1, year -2, year -3, year – 4. Degree result year -1 , year -2 , year – 3 , year -4. Masters part-1, part-2.
National University Honours 2nd Year Exam 2010 had started on 14 March 2012 and ended on 2nd May 2012. Total 27 subject’s result published.
Nationa University Gazipur
You can download National University honours 2nd year result 2010 from here or you can get your Honours 2nd Year Exam 2010 result by mobile SMS.
Check your result from below:
How to get national university result please see detail:
If you Degree students get this process nu honours result
At first you are click please honours
Than if you honours 2nd year student please click honours 2nd year
Than Enter your roll no
and select your year
submit click and get resultor, get the National University Honours 2nd Year Result via SMS or mobile call:
Write NU < space > DEG < space > Your Degree Roll No < space > Al last send 16222
Write NU < space > H1 < space > Your Honours Roll No < space > Al last send 16222
Type on mobile Message option nu<Space>h2<Space>roll and send 4636 or 16222.
or, Get the result from the National University website directly: (The website is temporarily down due to heavy traffic load)
N.B: If you are national university of Bangladesh students you can get your result official website please click . The national university result authority board always publish their all result in website. You can get result all year (2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015….) N U Degree Honors Master Result 1st 2nd 3rd 4th year You can get result here honors result year -1, year -2, year -3, year – 4. Degree result year -1 , year -2 , year – 3 , year -4. Masters part-1, part-2.